Tuesday, June 10, 2008

Scam in China!

Counterfeit China currency

-Art students trying to sell you overpriced unorigninal works
-Students offering to take you to tea houses and then make you pay
-begging rings
-cheap DVD's off the street from the people that come up to you and say "DVD?"
- often dont work well, wrong subtitles, sometimes the wrong movie! Even though they are a little cheaper then the store (about 1-3 RMB/disk cheaper). I have baught them from vendors who dont do this (but still on the street) and have not had as many problems as those ones, and I have never had a problem with ones that I have baught in a store
- you can take those ones back usally if they have a problem.
-people coming up to you offering you 'lady massage' if you are into that thing, make sure you watch your wallet!
-pickpocket teams - sometimes one of them will be a vendor trying to sell you something to get your attention while the other picks your pocket
-overcharging you for anything (just b/c you are a laowai!)
-taxis not turning on the meter (illegal, but they get away with it because you are not chinese)
-'tours' that take you to a place, then expect you to buy stuff from the store they take you to (10 minutes at place of intrest, 1 hour at store)
-These are all that I can think of right now. Bottom line: watch your wallet and other things (such as electronics), and if people come up to you and start speaking english, wanting to take you somewhere, make sure you know what it is, and how much!

Extracted from http://answers.yahoo.com/question/index?qid=20060814205229AAYscvw

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