Tuesday, February 21, 2012

ISO17025 Versus ISO9001

In brief:
What is the difference between ISO 17025 and ISO 9001?
- ISO 17025 is about accreditation, and ISO 9001 is about certification.
- ISO 17025 is for laboratory accreditation, and ISO 9001 is for quality management.
- ISO 17025 governs the quality of the product, and ISO 9001 does not govern the quality of the product.
- ISO 17025 contains a main clause (clause number 4-Quality management system) derived from ISO 9001:2000.
- ISO 17025 have five main clauses, and ISO 9001 have eight principles
- ISO 17025 contains technical requirement, and ISO 9001 does not contain the technical requirement
- ISO 17025 contains the factors that determine the correctness and reliability of tests and calibrations, but ISO 9001 does not include those factors related to correctness and reliability.

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